Monica Carrier
Second Totem, 2013, ink on paper, 144 x 60 inches
After a solo trip through India, I returned home overwhelmed by what I had seen. I had to start from scratch in my studio. After a long struggle, the results became large-scale (between 5 & 13 feet), ornate, detailed, and surreal ink on paper drawings. I felt the need to focus on love so I began choosing words that describe the people I love (i.e. militant bear, cute mute, best drunk chef). I draw these words in a cursive script, using them to build the images of places of security (i.e. homes, churches). The initial view is of a solid-looking image of a decorative building.
As the viewer gets closer to the paper, the microcosms become visible. Anything from heads of state and images of war to 6 breasted deities and silly dogs can be seen growing out of the spaces between words and infesting the drawing. The effect is an image of security in decay being pried apart and changed by new ideas & doodles sprouting from the cracks. I allow the paper to curl up off the wall or flow onto the floor creating shadows as a reminder that the work is changing the space it is in.
View the artist's exhibition here.