The Unforgettables Reading/Working Group is a discursive event series initiated by artist Ofri Cnaani and former A.I.R. Executive Director Roxana Fabius in late 2016. Gathering together readers/workers from various disciplines and walks of life to discuss feminist texts old and new, the series looks to imagine a future where no one is forgotten.

Each session is led by a member of the group who creates a syllabus of texts or other media on a topic of their choosing. Everyone is invited to study, converse, and work together, collectively contributing to a growing library of feminist futures.

To receive updates on the group’s meetings, please contact us at

Season VI (2021)

Season VI: Session 1

Tuesday, October 26, 2021 at 7 PM Eastern Time on Zoom

Led by Christian Camacho-Light and Roxana Fabius

On the eve of the 45th anniversary of the Combahee River Collective Statement, the 2022 A.I.R. CURRENTS exhibition Identity Politics looks to the concept’s origins in order to consider its continued relevance and contemporary manifestations. One of the most significant texts of the twentieth century and a pillar of Black feminist theory and praxis, the 1977 statement positions identity politics not as a force of atomization, but as a political analysis that emphasizes personal experience and multi-focal coalition building as wellsprings of revolutionary action. For the Combahee River Collective, identity politics allowed for the recognition that all forms of oppression are interconnected and thus cannot be fought in isolation. While importantly informed by who you are, identity politics poses the more essential question of what you might do with others

Readings and Materials:

Season V (2020)

Season V: Session 2

Monday, November 23, 2020 at 7 PM Eastern Time on Zoom

Led by Lizania Cruz

The session was conceptualized by A.I.R. Fellow Lizania Cruz as part of the research for her project Obit. of the American Dream which will be a printed newspaper next year. As such the conversations in the larger group will be recorded for later use.

We will focus on the following question: As a woman, femme, or gender nonconforming person living in America, what have you sacrificed in order to thrive professionally? 

Readings and Materials:

Season V: Session 1

Monday, October 26, 2020 at 6 PM Eastern Time on Zoom

Led by Bat-Ami Rivlin and Joan Snitzer

Readings and Materials:

Season IV (2019-2020)

Season IV: Session 5

Monday, May 18, 2020 at 7 PM Eastern Time on Zoom

Led by Kyna Patel

Readings and Materials:

  • Part 2, chapter 7 (The Public Realm: The Common), pages 50-58.

  • Part 5, chapter 24 (The Disclosure of the Agent in Speech and Action), pages 175-181.

Season IV: Session 4

Monday, April 27, 2020 at

Led by Susan Stainman

This session led by A.I.R. member Susan Stainman focuses on the ways we are connected, our responsibility to one another, and the creative strategies we have at our disposal to meet difficult times. 

Readings and Materials:

Season IV: Session 3

Monday, April 6, 2020 at 7 PM Eastern Time on Zoom

Led by Roxana Fabius and Renana Neuman

Readings and Materials:

Season IV: Session 2

Tuesday, February 4, 2020 at 7 PM at A.I.R. Gallery

Led by Maxine Henryson

The session focused on feminist narratives about place created through photography, film, and literature.

Readings and Materials:

Season IV: Session 1

Monday, October 28, 2019 at A.I.R. Gallery

Led by H.A. Halpert

Readings and Materials:

Season III (2018-2019)

Season III: Session 5

Tuesday, July 9, 2019 at A.I.R. Gallery

Led by Christian Camacho-Light

Readings and Materials:

Season III: Session 4

Monday, January 21, 2019 at A.I.R. Gallery

Led by Sarah Demeuse

Readings and Materials:

Season III: Session 3

Tuesday, December 4, 2018 at A.I.R. Gallery

Led by Diann Bauer

Readings and Materials:

Season III: Session 2

Monday, November 19, 2018 at A.I.R. Gallery

Led by Roxana Fabius and Patricia M. Hernandez

Readings and Materials:

Season III: Session 1

Tuesday, October 2, 2018 at A.I.R. Gallery

Led by Renana Neuman

Readings and Materials:

Season II (2017-2018)

Season II: Session 9

Monday, June 25, 2018 at A.I.R. Gallery

Led by Ofri Cnaani and Roxana Fabius

Readings and Materials:

Season II: Session 8

Monday, May 21, 2018 at A.I.R. Gallery

Led by Ofri Cnaani and Roxana Fabius

Readings and Materials:

Season II: Session 7

Tuesday, April 24, 2018 at A.I.R. Gallery

Led by Elizabeth Povinelli

Readings and Materials:

Season II: Session 6

Monday, March 19, 2017 at A.I.R. Gallery

Led by Carlos Motta and John Arthur Peetz

Readings and Materials:

Season II: Session 5

Tuesday, February 13, 2018 at A.I.R. Gallery

Led by Aya Rodriguez-Izumi

Readings and Materials:

Season II: Session 4

Tuesday, January 23, 2018 at A.I.R. Gallery

Led by Jack Halberstam

Readings and Materials:

Season II: Session 3

Monday, November 20, 2017 at A.I.R. Gallery

On 'Good Life' and Ugly Feelings

Led by Janna Dyke and Ofri Cnaani

Readings and Materials:

Season II: Session 2

Monday, October 16, 2017 at A.I.R. Gallery

On Identity politics and normativity/antinormativity in queer theory and queer theory's impact on the field of theory more generally

Led by Elizabeth Larison

Readings and Materials:

Season II: Session 1

Monday, September 18, 2017 at A.I.R. Gallery

On Agency and Perspectives on Cognition and Feminism and the implications of the body and mind dualism, trends in neuroscience, and alternatives in philosophies of science from a feminist perspective

Led by Park Myers

Readings and Materials:

Season I (2016-2017)

Season I: Session 7

Monday, June 26, 2017 at A.I.R. Gallery

Led by Katherine Behar

Readings and Materials:

Season I: Session 6

Monday, May 22, 2017 at A.I.R. Gallery

Led by Christian Camacho-Light and Roxana Fabius

Readings and Materials:

Season I: Session 5

Monday, April 24, 2017 at A.I.R. Gallery

Led by Gabriela Vainsencher and Megan Pahmier

Readings and Materials:

Season I: Session 4

Monday, March 20, 2017 at A.I.R. Gallery

Led by Ofri Cnaani and Roxana Fabius

Readings and Materials:

Season I : Session 3

Monday, February 20, 2017 at A.I.R. Gallery

Led by Roxana Fabius and Patricia Margarita Hernández

Readings and Materials:

Season I: Session 2

Monday, January 30, 2017 at A.I.R. Gallery

Led by Amber Esseiva

Readings and Materials:

Season I: Session 1

Monday, December 12, 2016 at A.I.R. Gallery

Led by Ofri Cnaani and Roxana Fabius  

Readings and Materials: