Urban Road Kill
Barbara Siegel
Barbara Siegel, Rusty Bucket, 2014, Colored pencils and charcoal on paper, 26 x 33 inches
July 1 - 26, 2015
Opening Reception: Thursday, July 9, 6-8pm
In Urban Road Kill, artist Barbara Siegel will exhibit twenty drawings in various sizes and media together with the run-over flattened artifacts that inspired the drawings. These are neo-geological artifacts, composed of elements fossilized in the stratum of the street by the force of vehicular activity passing over/crushing them. They mediate between nature and culture, their utility mocked by the loss of three-dimensionality, yet reborn, resurrected, ascended to a vertical place through Siegel's meticulous drawings - renderings that capture the non-functional beauty of their non-function.
Read full press release here.