Melissa Murray, Erica Stoller
Top: Melissa Murray, " 'The Spectral mists of dawn shrowded the trees and hung low along the landscape' " (detail), 2014, Mixed medium on paper
Bottom: Erica Stoller, Traverse: 6733 (detail), 2013, Mixed media
February 6 - March 2, 2014
Opening Reception: Thursday, February 6, 6-9pm
In Traverse, Murray and Stoller's work, presented side-by-side, creates a companionable counterpoint of basic elements with respectful disregard of subject matter and materials. The recurring use of line speaks loudly throughout each artist's work. It represents an aggressive movement, a physical object of restraint, and becomes a living entity in its own right.
Read the full press release here.
View Melissa Murray's artist page here.
View Erica Stoller's artist page here.