Machine Memory + Motherboards
Simone Paterson
SAM multichip 1968, metallic and embroidery thread on polycotton, 12 x 12”, 2019
October 11 – November 10, 2019
Opening Reception: Friday, October 11, 6-8pm
A.I.R Gallery is pleased to announce Machine Memory + Motherboards, an exhibition of embroideries and animation pieces by A.I.R. National Artist Member Dr. Simone Paterson. This is Paterson’s first solo exhibition in New York City.
The traditionally defined feminine skill of needlework is injected with the impossible precision of the computer and the speed of the machine. The embroideries and animations of stitching in Machine Memory + Motherboards document the historic development of computer chips, circuits, and motherboards. The inherent conversation within this new body of work aims to question whose memories and data are privileged and preserved, and whose labor is acknowledged or made redundant in our transition to the age of artificial intelligence.
Paterson’s studio is located in rural Appalachia in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia. She was born and educated in Australia receiving a Master of Visual Arts from The University of Sydney, Sydney College of the Arts (1995), and a Doctorate of Philosophy from The University of Newcastle (2005). Paterson is a recent retiree from Virginia Tech where she served as Studio Chair and Chair of Undergraduate Studies in Creative Technologies in the School of Visuals Arts. Exhibited nationally and internationally her work blurs the boundary between new media art and craft and investigates the effects of technologies on our lived experience.
Read the full press release here.
View Paterson's page here.