Recent Paintings
Ivy Dachman


October 13 - November 13, 2016

Untitled #7R, 2016, Oil on canvas, 40 x 42 inches

Untitled #7R, 2016, Oil on canvas, 40 x 42 inches


Recent Paintings is comprised of a selection of paintings in which Dachman has changed the format of her canvas: from a long rectangle to a near square. While the sense of  scale generated by Dachman’s work has always been imposing and big, the work presented in Recent Paintings creates a perception of size from within the painting rather than from its physical aspect. The strong gestures and forms take precedent over the canvas itself, and hint to sizes that expand beyond the fabric and verge on the huge. 

Opening Reception: Thursday, October 13th, 6-8pm
DUMBO Art Walk: Thursday, November 3rd, 6-8pm

Read the full press release here.
View the artist's page here.