On Refusal
Kameelah Janan Rasheed
To Whom are You Praying, 2016, found photograph from mid-1950s, enlarged, 24 x 18 inches
April 21 - May 22, 2016
Kameelah Janan Rasheed’s ongoing research-intensive practice looks at the pluralities of blackness and the interplay between legibility and opaqueness. A sprawling constellation of monochromatic textual and figurative work, On Refusal considers a collection of self-recorded street sermons as a starting point to map the histories of improvisation and religious heterodoxy among Black Americans, particularly her family.
Opening Reception: Thursday April 21st, 6-8pm (artist talk at 6:30pm)
DUMBO Art Walk: Thursday May 5th, 6-8pm
Read the full press release here.
View the artist’s page here.