Recent Paintings
Ivy Dachman
Ivy Dachman, Untitiled #27R, 2019. Oil and wax on canvas. 40 x 42 inches.
September 12 — October 11, 2020
A.I.R. Gallery is pleased to announce Recent Paintings an exhibition of new work by A.I.R. Alumna Artist Ivy Dachman. The exhibition presents a selection of work that walk the line between deliberation and spontaneity.
Working in accordance with a self-determined and evolving set of parameters—primary among these, the use of pentimenti to develop the compositions—the artist allows the compositions to materialize with immediacy, experimentation, and improvisation.
Dachman begins by painting the canvas with a vibrant wash of oil and wax, then expands the depth of field with surface drawing and further washes. As Dachman builds and rebuilds the composition, the colors gradually transmute, contrasting in light washes of organic color and saturated layers of toxic accumulation.
Insisting on the extended gaze of the viewer, these paintings demand time to unfold and slowly reveal their inner workings. Opening through multiple points of entry, the paintings are both arresting and meditative; given time the eye moves through and across a space that is not knowable but always generous in its offering.
Ivy Dachman received her B.F.A. from Cooper Union and her M.F.a from Queens College. Her work has been exhibited in solo and group exhibitions throughout the United States and is included in numerous corporate collections. She was the 1998 recipient of the New York Foundation for the Arts fellowship in Painting. This is her ninth solo exhibition in New York City and sixth exhibition at A.I.R. Gallery.
Read the full Press Release here.
View Dachman's page here.

Installation photos by Sebastian Bach