Melissa Murray, Julia Westerbeke
Left: Julia Westerbeke, Untitled (detail), 2015
Right: Melissa Murray, " 'The spectral mists of dawn shrowded the trees and hung low along the landscape.' " (detail), 2015, Mixed medium on paper, 40 x 40 inches
September 10 - October 11, 2015
Opening Reception: Thursday, September 10, 6-8pm
DUMBO Art Walk: Thursday, October 1, 6-9pm
Echoes is an exhibition of paintings and drawings by Melissa Murray, alongside drawing-based installations and textural works made from repeated punctures on paper by Julia Westerbeke. Though visually distinct, these works share an interest in entropy, pattern, myth, and ritual, as well as a collagist tendency to combine and accumulate images from varied sources.
Read full press release here.
View Melissa Murray's artist page here.
View Julia Westerbeke's artist page here.