Across this really tall field again in the dark
Phoebe Osborne
Phoebe Osborne, “Their voices were sheer music, so spirit-like that no human ear could detect the sound, just as no eye on earth could see their forms.” (05:12:00), 2021, colored pencil on paper, 11 x 14 inches.
September 10 - October 9, 2022
Opening reception: Saturday, September 10 from 6-8pm
Silent walk with artist: September 22, 2022 from 6–8pm
Closing reception, with performances by invited artists: October 9, 2022 from 6pm–8pm
The birds buoyed the branches until they made a choice to leave, separately together
Biological, without origin, inexhaustibly so
You are someone else
Sharp rate
Of change, We upheaves
Disparately, rocky
Road, a repeated true thing
Talking to the mark
You insist on being
The road is neon in daylight
Is our rigor of trespass
Of Our
Our our unowned, where
Does the water perceive its own
Position in space, devoted, public
Unaffiliated, crustaceous
Your voice deletes, you repeat
The message, this time in limestone
Near it but never close enough
To be confused with it
A red line tracks
Time, insisting, one
Inch per one hundred
Years, you’re tracing, you’re obsessive, you’re careful, laborious, you’re zealous, you’re overwhelm, you’re cavernous, isolated, gathered, you’re repulsed, attracted, pulling and drawing
You’re ill and alive
If a void of space, then full
Then telling
Telling salinity
You searched for “horses at night”
You wrote it in charcoal on black
Brackish in its blurry state
Like land, vocal
If swallowing silence, then sounding
You put them in your own mouth, you mouthed their words
In salinity
You say them again, you graph your devotion
To absence, you dance it
This really tall field again in the dark
Carolyn Ferrucci, 2022
“I like to stand near it, but never close enough to be confused with it.” – Renee Gladman, on truth, in Am I a Fiction? // Three Lectures on Invisibility, Fictional Knowing and Writing-Drawing, an Arizona State University lecture moderated by Natalie Diaz
Inexhaustibly so, rocky road, void of space, brackish in its blurry state, swallowing silence, all pulled from A True Love’s Kiss, 2022 essay by artist Phoebe Osborne
In recent years, 2021–2022 A.I.R. Fellow Phoebe Osborne has generated distinctive works that follow the incommensurable currents of transing and the care it generates. As the latest outcome of this practice, Across this really tall field again in the dark brings drawing, lip syncing, and vibratory residue to act as storytellers, gathering seemingly fragmented details and lacing them together as a stealth walk in the night. Osborne holds an MFA in Visual Arts from Columbia University and an MA in Choreography from DAS Graduate School at the Amsterdam University of Arts. Osborne’s works have been presented at venues including Transmediale Berlin, Bar Laika by e-flux, Southern Exposure, and The Boiler | Pierogi Gallery, and have been commissioned by SFMoMA, Oakland Museum of California, and Lenfest Center for the Arts, among others.
View the Press Release here.
View Phoebe Osborne’s page here.
True Love’s Kiss is a listening essay by Phoebe Osborne
1 hour, 16 minutes
Sound design: Wibke Tiarks
learn more here
Public Program:
Silent Walk with Phoebe Osborne
Thursday, September 22, 2022, 6 PM
A.I.R. Gallery

Photography: Sebastian Bach