Let’s try listening again
13th A.I.R. Biennial
January 9 - February 3, 2019
Opening Reception: Wednesday, January 9, 2019, 6-8pm
Curated by Sarah Demeuse and Prem Krishnamurthy
Participating artists: Angeli, Angie Keefer, Anna Riley, Catalina Viejo López de Roda, Dulce Gómez, Fotini Vurgaropulou, Hagen Verleger, Irene Mohedano, Jane Long, Johanna Unzueta, Julie Nagle, Karen Donnellan, Katie Hector, Katja Mater, Katy Mixon, Keren Benbenisty, Kyoung eun Kang, Library Stack, Lukas Eigler-Harding, Malin Abrahamsson, Maren Henson, Matthew Schrader, Olivia Baldwin, Romily Alice Walden, Sari Carel, Scaleno Collective, Shuyi Cao, Suzanne Mooney, Tselote Holley, and Zhenya Plechkina
Public Programs:
January 9, 2018:
Performance by Angeli, dancing in our sleep, 2019, performing with Jayoung Yoon
February 2, 2018:
3 PM Launch of A Primer on Working With Disabled Group Members for Feminist / Activist Groups., 2018 by Romily Alice Walden
5 PM Performance by Irene Mohedano Tengo Miedo; No Tenemos Miedo / I'm afraid; We are not afraid, 2018
Dear Visitor,
This biennial exhibition starts where its open call ended: with the sentence “Let’s try listening again.” Echoing a contemporary sentiment, this title voices an urge to stop the treadmill of self-same thought and perceive what is near, around, yet not always seen. It highlights a pause for respect and discovery that is necessary to imagine new, relevant relations—whether social, intellectual, emotional, or cosmic. The point being: we can’t know everything, but still we need to envision novel forms of communing.
Listening to the five hundred and forty-four voices that responded to their open call, we gradually selected a constellation of twenty-nine works that resonate with this theme. The exhibition brings together two performances, two distributed projects, and twenty-five works for the gallery by participating artists far and wide. The catalogue takes the form of a website that can produce encoded PDF communiqués around the thematics of this year’s biennial.
Gratitude to all applicants. This was hard.
S. & P.
A.I.R. Gallery is wheelchair accessible via ramp. There are accessible toilets in the venue. There is comfortable seating with backs. Free tap water is available.
The venue is nearest to the F train at York St (0.2 miles) and the A train at High St (0.5 miles). The nearest wheelchair accessible trains is the B, Q, R at Dekalb Av (1.1 miles) and the 2, 3 at Borough Hall (0.8 miles).
The roads immediately surrounding the gallery are cobblestone. The nearest accessible parking garage (for an hourly fee) is two blocks away at 100 Jay St. No ID necessary for entry. Please contact info@airgallery.org for more information.
To view the interactive online catalogue: https://letstrylisteningagain.org/
Read the press release here.
Download Romily Alice Walden’s A Primer on Working With Disabled Group Members for Feminist/Activist Groups, 2018 here.

Installation shots by Sebastian Bach.
Angeli, dancing in our sleep, 2019, performing with Jayoung Yoon. Performed January 9 at 13th A.I.R. Biennial opening reception. Documentation by Sarah Sitzler.
Watch the video documentation here.