
A.I.R. Guide: Things to do this month!

Get your feminist on this month with A.I.R.’s staff picks of exhibitions to see!

Epic Bitch, 2015, Acrylic on canvas, 4 x 4 inches

Epic Bitch, 2015, Acrylic on canvas, 4 x 4 inches

WOMEN Words, Phrases, and Stories
Betty Tompkins exhibition at The FLAG Art Foundation marks the first comprehensive presentation of 1,000 intimately-scaled, hand-painted works, each of which features a word or words used to describe women. Ranging from flirtatious to derogatory – with the four most used words being Mother, Slut, Bitch, Cunt – WOMEN Words emanates from Tompkins’s career-long commitment to challenge the representation of female identity, the politics of pleasure, and the role of sexuality in contemporary culture. Read the full press release here.

The exhibition runs through May 14, 2016

The FLAG Art Foundation
545 West 25th Street, NYC

2016, Installation

2016, Installation

Willa Nasatir at CHAPTER NY
We expend a lot of labor and energy to make objects seen and desired,though perhaps not anymore understood. Our relationships to images are farmore mutable; we exalt them for their adaptability, readily dislocating them for infinite possibilities of a re–encounter. -Lumi Tan, curator

Read the full press release here.

March 20 – April 24, 2016

127 Henry Street, NYC

Dog’s Stick Lamp, 2016, driftwood, bamboo, sawdust, wood, wired light, lampshade (steel, silk), 90 x 40 x 22 inches

Dog’s Stick Lamp, 2016, driftwood, bamboo, sawdust, wood, wired light, lampshade (steel, silk), 90 x 40 x 22 inches

Reaves’ works are wildly constructed from plywood, sawdust, foam, wood, car parts and plexiglass and finished with silk, leather, zippered covers and glass. Her materials are unassuming and sometimes involve elements of found furniture re-arranged anew. Irrational and imperfect, their human scale and materials reference historical and archetypal forms. Read the press release here.

April 10 – June 5, 2016

99 Bowery, 2nd Floor, NYC

Album (For Whom The Bell Tolls), 2016, C Print, 46.7 x 60.4 inches

Album (For Whom The Bell Tolls), 2016, C Print, 46.7 x 60.4 inches

Anne Collier at Anton Kern Gallery
In her fourth solo show at Anton Kern Gallery, the New York- based artist Anne Collier presents a body of new photographs that expands upon her ongoing inquiry into the nature and culture(s) of photographic images, exploring questions of perception and representation and the mechanics of the gaze. Read the full press release here.

April 9 – May 14, 2016

Anton Kern Gallery
532 West 20th Street, NYC

Self-portrait of artist Angelica Kauffman

Self-portrait of artist Angelica Kauffman

Printing Women: Three Centuries of Female Printmakers, 1570-1900
Physically demanding and technically challenging, printmaking has often been considered man’s labor. As the Library’s unusual collection by forward-thinking Henrietta Louisa Koenen (1830-1881) demonstrates, engravings, etchings, woodcuts and lithographs executed by female printmakers have been around almost as long as artists started creating prints in the late fifteenth century. From 1848 until 1861, she collected an astonishing array of sheets by women artists from the sixteenth to nineteenth centuries. Executed by experts and amateurs alike, these women pursued their craft as part of larger family workshops, as a means of self-realization and for the thrill of making and sharing pictures created in multiples.

The show runs through May 27, 2016

New York Public Library, Stephen A. Schwarzman Building
Fifth Avenue at 42nd St, NYC