Still from performance at These Conditions, Vera List Center, Brooklyn, NY March 2022
Saturday, January 21, 2023 at 2 PM
A.I.R. Gallery 155 Plymouth Street, Brooklyn, NY 11201
Duvet is a group of artists, movers, and friends merging friendship and form building. As a part of the 15th A.I.R. Biennial, Friend of the Artist, five of the members of Duvet will be presenting a two-hour performance based on their ritualized authentic movement practice.
Duvet is a group of artists, movers, and friends. We have maintained a ritual of doing Authentic Movement (a long form, closed-eyed, witnessed, movement exploration) and group improvisational scores every week for the last 4 years. Merging ritual, friendship, and artmaking each rehearsal, we craft dances for and with each other. We value honing our artmaking as much as expanding our friendships and see them as intrinsically linked. Our process is an organic model of knowing, learning, and growing together. We grow sturdy and connected from the roots up, spreading and entwining, flexible to the moment and everlasting in the landscape. For our public performances we make long-form improvisations that weave dance, song and theater that reflect how the group meets that very moment. These performances take the form of solos, duets, and group scenarios, quiet and wild as need to be. We do not plan ahead; rather we allow for the vast potential of our deep work together to be harvested live. We need to show this work publicly as a testament to the value of this alternate system of creating performance; one that is based as much in ritual and friendship as it is in product.
The members of Duvet performing are Leslie Cuyjet, Weena Pauly, Anna Thérèse Witenberg, Katie Workum, and Darrin Wright.