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Calling the Earth to Witness, 2015, Burmese shwe chi doe tapestry techniques and mixed media, 8 panels, 228" x 60" (19' x 5')


Artist Statement
We try to exert control over our environment by mapping, and think we’re not lost if we can pinpoint our location on a map. But mapping is subjective: how do we know where we are in the world, when what we’re looking for determines what we see? Culture
transforms not only the sites we inhabit, but the ways in which we see those sites. We change the land by the ways we occupy it, but the land in turn changes us, so we no longer know which way is past and which future, or how to get from here to where we think we want to be.



Past Solo Exhibitions: Ways to Find, 2011

Past Group Exhibitions: 
National Members Exhibition, 1997
National Members Exhibition, 1995