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Privacy Please!
Curated by Erin Riley-Lopez & Annette Rusin


November 2 - November 26, 2011

Opening Reception: Thursday, November 3, 2011, 6-9 pm

A.I.R. Gallery is pleased to announce Privacy Please!, a group exhibition co-curated by Erin Riley-Lopez and Annette Rusin. Privacy Please! explores how women artists express private grooming rituals in their work. During the second wave of the modern feminist movement in the 1970’s, female scholars questioned notions of beauty and how its perception was often linked to social standards. In The Mask of Beauty, feminist scholar Una Stannard considered the role the media plays in women's desire to be beautiful. She wrote that "social conditioning impels women to don a disguise." Where are we today, forty years later?

The exhibition includes the work of: Becca Albee, Firelei Báez, Anjali Bhargava, Louisa Flannery, Teri Frame, Carrie Johnson, Kathleen Kranack, Jessica Lagunas, Rosemary Meza-­Desplas, Betsy Odom, Jessica Scott-­Felder, Samantha Senack, Jaune Quick-­to-See Smith, and Ellen Wetmore.

View the full Press Release here.