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(ROOT(FRAG(ADVP(RB as) (IN if))(..)))
Hanna Sandin

June 24- July 19, 2008

Language is a structure of the mind and the goal of generative grammar is to make a model of this inner language. In linguistics a parse tree is used to visually represent the structure of a sentence. In these works linguistic modeling is the basis for a visual grammar used to concretize passing thoughts. Hovering between visualization and verbalization, the mobiles in this exhibition reference the structure of nodes and branches of syntax trees. Anchored formally in Calder and Miro, the objects hanging at each node are intuitively chosen based on line, color, and light. A coconut, a wire, a knot are counterbalanced by a streamer, a crumpled paper, or a rock. Discarded and often overlooked materials such as plastic mesh, wire, balls of string, and other found objects that retain the markings of their prior use hang in balance.

View the full Press Release here.