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!Women Art Revolution

Wednesday, July 24 at 7pm

A.I.R. will host a screening of Lynn Hershman Leeson's !Women Art Revolution (2010) on Wednesday, July 24 at 7pm. This screening accompanies our current exhibition, For Information.

!Women Art Revolution reflects on the history of the Women’s Movement and documents the work of women artists in the narrative format of film. In revealing the gender politics of the art world and the work of activists and artists to alter these dynamics, Leeson demonstrates how seemingly small actions can build into a movement for change. The artist takes a revisionist approach to traditional narratives around art history, documenting the voices and stories of those who have not historically been included. These first person accounts develop an archive of the experiences of women artists on their own terms. In this way, Leeson provides an example as to how art might be activated to address and challenge inequalities.

This screening is free and open to the public. For more information click here.