A.I.R's first gallery on 97 Wooster Street, 1976.
Pictured from left to right: Rachel bas-Cohain, Joan Snitzer, Kazuko Miyamoto, Blythe Bohnen, unidentified, Laurace James, Patsy Norvell, Dotty Attie, Mary Grigoriadis, and Daria Dorosh.

A.I.R. Gallery is an artist-run non-profit arts organization and exhibition space founded in 1972. A.I.R. supports the open exchange of ideas and risk-taking by women and non-binary artists in order to provide support and visibility. A self-directed governing body, the organization is an alternative to mainstream institutions and thrives on its network of active participants.

To learn more about our history, click here.


September 7–October 6, 2024


Open Call: 2025-2026 A.I.R. Fellowship

Open Call: 2025 A.I.R. Biennial


Celebrating Ann Pachner (1944–2024)

It is with a heavy heart that we announce the passing of artist Ann Pachner.

A member of A.I.R. for over thirty years, Pachner had thirteen solo exhibitions at the gallery, including Ritual of Consciousness (1995), Many Tears Become One (2005), and Archeology of a Studio (2022). Her work spanned drawing, photography, and wood carving, all pointing to the multi-dimensional experience of being.

Pachner said of her practice: “Inherent in the relationship of the artist and their tools, such as the mallet and sharpened chisel, is a continually summoned courage, intelligence, and will. Art making creates a place of quietude, of contemplation, space and time to resonate with subtle voices. The practice and viewing of art opens us to the opportunity of becoming friends with that place within the self that knows. I bow to that place, that river, that place of leaping, that artists have claimed from the beginning.”

A.I.R. Gallery | 155 Plymouth Street, Brooklyn, NY 11201 | (212) 255-6651 | info@airgallery.org